• Cost-effective. Scalable. Customizable.

    The End-to-End
    AI-Based Visual Platform

    for Security, Safety, and Business Intelligence

  • Setting the Bar High

    Comprehensive for Enterprises
    Simple for Small Businesses

    Take Control. Remotely Manage your Sites

  • Cost-effective. Scalable. Customizable.

    The End-to-End
    AI-Based Visual Platform

    for Security, Safety, and Business Intelligence

  • Setting the Bar High

    Comprehensive for Enterprises
    Simple for Small Businesses

    Take Control. Remotely Manage your Sites

Transform Your Cameras into SMART 24/7 Virtual Guards

Real-Time Powerful Video Services & Growing

Powered by our core patented multi-level AI based video analytics

Cawamo elevates video surveillance and business insights with proactive solutions and new visual services while delivering the BEST cost/performance in the industry! Choose the services you need when you need them.

Person Detection

Vehicle Detection

Fire & Smoke Detection

Camera Shift & Cover

Restricted Parking

Time Lapse


Crowd Detection

Staff Management

Activate Remote Devices

Static Objects Anomaly

Voice Down

Cloud Backup


No Helmet

Trusted by

Empower Your Video Surveillance and Business Management

Unleash The Power of Cawamo´s Platform

The only platform that offers a complete end-to-end solution that includes everything needed to transform an existing surveillance equipment into a smart and efficient ongoing day-to-day operating platform for independent or third-party command and control centers.  The platform connects to any existing or new camera and provides:

  • Real-time visual alerts based on artificial intelligence
  • Periodic reports
  • A complete dashboard for the operator to manage all sites form a central operating room.
  • Full management capabilities using iOS or Android apps.
  • Health monitoring – make sure all the accessories installed on the site are alive and usable
  • Preventive actions in real time using accessories on the site such as lights, sirens, speakers and more.

Why Choose Cawamo?

What Makes Cawamo Different?

  • Connects to any existing or new camera with easy Plug-n-play setup
  • Operates even with low bandwidth connectivity
  • Overcomes challenging outdoor conditions including rain, fog, snow, darkness
  • Virtually free from missed or false alerts
  • Offers a hybrid solution for onsite and on the cloud
  • Provides real-time detection to prevent theft
  • Monitors worker safety
  • Is fully scalable with automatic updates

…and much more

Virtually No False Alerts

Meets Challenging Outdoor Conditions

Cawamo provides video analytics in challenging outdoor conditions that are not possible in other systems. Our advanced AI video analytics solution offers true alerts and greater security even in snow, fog, rain, darkness, and long distances – and at an exceptional price point. Virtually free from false alerts, Cawamo is setting the bar high in the industry with innovative technology and a proactive easy to use and set up user experience.

Video Surveillance at any bandwidth

Even with Cellular or Limited Connectivity

on-premises - cloud - hybrid

Three Architectural Approaches


Leverage the computing resources and scalability offered by cloud service providers. This approach provides flexibility, ease of deployment, and access to a wide scalable of cloud-based computing power.


Combine elements of on-premises and cloud infrastructures. Leverage on-premises resources for sensitive data and real-time processing while utilizing cloud resources for scalability and flexibility.

On Premise

This approach provides direct control over hardware, software, and data, making it suitable for organizations with stringent security and compliance requirements.

We've Got You Covered

Target Markets

Monitoring Centers

Dealers & Integrators

Guard Companies

Property Managers

Ideal for Commercial, Residential, and Government






Shopping Centers


Small/Medium Business


Cawamo By the Numbers

Cawamo By the Numbers

100 +
AI Data Set images
Site Installations
0 %
Accuracy of Alerts*
*For well configured sites

Are You Ready to Take Visual Control of Your Security and Business?

Request a No Obligation Demo